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jqueryHow do I use a jQuery selector?

jQuery selectors are used to select elements on a page based on their HTML attributes, such as id, class, type, and more.

The syntax for using jQuery selectors is as follows:


where selector is the element or group of elements you want to select, and action is the action you want to take on the elements.

For example, to select all <p> elements on a page and make them red, you could use the following code:

$("p").css("color", "red");

The code above will select all <p> elements on the page and change their color to red.

Here is a list of the most commonly used jQuery selectors:

  • $("*") - selects all elements on the page
  • $("#id") - selects an element by its id
  • $(".class") - selects elements by their class
  • $("element") - selects elements by their HTML element type

You can also use multiple selectors to select elements in combination, for example:

$("p.intro").css("color", "blue");

The code above will select all <p> elements with the class intro and make them blue.

For more information on jQuery selectors, please visit the following links:

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