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jqueryHow do I use the jQuery masked input plugin?

To use the jQuery masked input plugin, you must first include the jQuery library and the masked input plugin in your HTML document.

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.mask/1.14.15/jquery.mask.min.js"></script>

Then, you can select the input field you want to apply the mask to and call the mask() method on it.


You can also specify a custom mask pattern when calling the mask() method. For example, the following code will create a mask for a phone number with an area code:

$('#myInput').mask('(000) 000-0000');

The plugin also supports placeholder characters, which can be used to indicate the format of the expected input. For example, the following code will create a mask for a phone number with an area code and the placeholder characters _:

$('#myInput').mask('(___) ___-____');

You can also remove the mask from an input field by calling the unmask() method.


For more information and examples, please refer to the jQuery Masked Input Plugin documentation.

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