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mariadbMariadb fulltext search example

Mariadb fulltext search is a powerful search feature that allows you to search for words and phrases within a database. Here is an example of how to use it:

CREATE TABLE articles (
  title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  FULLTEXT (title,body)

INSERT INTO articles (title, body) VALUES
  ('How to use Mariadb fulltext search', 'Mariadb fulltext search is a powerful search feature that allows you to search for words and phrases within a database.');

SELECT * FROM articles
  WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST ('Mariadb fulltext search');

Output example

id  title                                            body
1   How to use Mariadb fulltext search               Mariadb fulltext search is a powerful search feature that allows you to search for words and phrases within a database.

The example code above creates a table called articles with two columns, title and body. The FULLTEXT keyword is used to create a fulltext index on the title and body columns. Then, an article is inserted into the table. Finally, a query is executed to search for the phrase Mariadb fulltext search in the title and body columns. The output of the query is the article that was inserted.

Code explanation

  • CREATE TABLE articles: creates a table called articles with two columns, title and body.
  • FULLTEXT (title,body): creates a fulltext index on the title and body columns.
  • INSERT INTO articles: inserts an article into the table.
  • SELECT * FROM articles: executes a query to search for the phrase Mariadb fulltext search in the title and body columns.

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