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php-laravelHow can I access an undefined array key in PHP Laravel?

In PHP Laravel, you can access an undefined array key by using the array_key_exists() function. This function will check if the specified key exists in the given array and returns a boolean value.


$array = array(
    'name' => 'John',
    'age' => 25

if(array_key_exists('address', $array)) {
    echo 'Key exists';
} else {
    echo 'Key does not exist';

Output example

Key does not exist

The array_key_exists() function takes two parameters - the key to check and the array. If the key is found in the array, it will return true; otherwise, it will return false.

Code explanation

  • $array: an array containing two key-value pairs
  • array_key_exists(): a function used to check if a key exists in the given array
  • if: a conditional statement used to check the result of array_key_exists()
  • echo: a function used to output the result of the check

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