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php-laravelHow do I add a logo to a Laravel application using PHP?

Adding a logo to a Laravel application using PHP is fairly straightforward. First, you need to create an image file with your logo and save it in the public folder of your Laravel application.

Once the image is saved, you can use the following code to display it in your view:

<img src="{{ asset('/image-name.jpg') }}" alt="Logo">

Here is a breakdown of the code:

  • <img>: This is the HTML tag used to display an image on the page.
  • src: This is the attribute used to specify the source of the image.
  • {{ asset('/image-name.jpg') }}: This is a Laravel helper function used to get the absolute URL of the image.
  • alt: This is the attribute used to specify an alternate text for the image.

Once the code is executed, the image will be displayed on the page:


For more information, you can refer to the Laravel Documentation.

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