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php-pcntlHow to install PCNTL for PHP in Debian?

  1. PCNTL is a PHP extension that provides process control support for Unix-like operating systems.
  2. To install PCNTL for PHP in Debian, first install the php-dev package:
sudo apt-get install php-dev
  1. Then, install the libpcre3-dev package:
sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev
  1. Finally, install the php-pear package:
sudo apt-get install php-pear
  1. After that, you can install PCNTL for PHP using the pecl command:
sudo pecl install pcntl

Code explanation

  1. sudo apt-get install php-dev: This command installs the php-dev package, which is required for building PHP extensions.
  2. sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev: This command installs the libpcre3-dev package, which is required for building PCNTL.
  3. sudo apt-get install php-pear: This command installs the php-pear package, which is required for installing PHP extensions using the pecl command.
  4. sudo pecl install pcntl: This command installs PCNTL for PHP.

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