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php-pcntlHow to use PCNTL alarm in PHP?

PCNTL (Process Control) is a PHP extension that allows you to execute Unix-like process control functions in PHP. The pcntl_alarm() function is used to set an alarm signal after a specified time interval.

// Set an alarm to go off in 5 seconds

// Do some processing
echo "Doing some processing...\n";

echo "Done!\n";

The code above sets an alarm to go off in 5 seconds and then does some processing. After the alarm is triggered, the script will terminate.

Code explanation

  • pcntl_alarm(5): Sets an alarm to go off in 5 seconds.
  • echo "Doing some processing...\n": Prints a message to the screen.
  • sleep(10): Pauses the script for 10 seconds.
  • echo "Done!\n": Prints a message to the screen.

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