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php-symfonyHow to force HTTPS in PHP Symfony?

To force HTTPS in PHP Symfony, you can use the following code snippet:

# app/config/config.yml

# To force HTTPS
    # ...
        # ...
        # ...
        # ...
        cookie_secure: true
        cookie_httponly: true
    default_locale: en
    # ...
    # Force HTTPS
    # uncomment the following line
    # base_url: https://example.com

This code snippet will set the cookie_secure and cookie_httponly parameters to true and set the base_url parameter to https://example.com. This will ensure that all cookies are sent over HTTPS and that all requests are redirected to HTTPS.

Code explanation

  1. cookie_secure: sets the cookie to be sent over HTTPS
  2. cookie_httponly: sets the cookie to be sent over HTTP only
  3. base_url: sets the base URL to https://example.com

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