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php-symfonyHow to use Rollbar PHP Symfony Bundle?

Rollbar PHP Symfony Bundle is a library that allows you to easily integrate Rollbar error monitoring into your Symfony application. It provides a simple way to report errors and exceptions to Rollbar.

Example code

use Rollbar\Rollbar;

$config = array(
    'access_token' => 'POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN',
    'environment' => 'production'

This code initializes the Rollbar library with the given configuration. The access_token is the token for the project in Rollbar, and the environment is the environment of the application (e.g. production, staging, etc).

The bundle also provides a way to report errors and exceptions to Rollbar. For example, you can use the RollbarNotifier service to report an exception:

$rollbarNotifier = $this->get('rollbar.notifier');

This code will report the given exception to Rollbar.

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