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php-tcpdfHow do I add a watermark to PDFs using PHP and TCPDF?

Using PHP and TCPDF, you can add a watermark to PDFs in the following way:

  1. Create a new PDF document using the TCPDF() constructor.
  2. Use the SetAlpha() method to set the transparency of the watermark image.
  3. Use the Image() method to add the watermark image to the PDF document.
  4. Use the SetXY() method to set the coordinates of the watermark image.
  5. Use the SetFont() method to set the font size and type of the watermark text.
  6. Use the SetTextColor() method to set the color of the watermark text.
  7. Use the Cell() method to add the watermark text to the PDF document.

Example code


// Include the TCPDF library

// Create a new PDF document
$pdf = new TCPDF();

// Set the transparency of the watermark image

// Add the watermark image to the PDF document
$pdf->Image('watermark.png', 10, 10, 100, 100);

// Set the font size and type of the watermark text
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 20);

// Set the color of the watermark text
$pdf->SetTextColor(255, 0, 0);

// Add the watermark text to the PDF document
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Watermark Text', 0, 0, 'C');

// Output the PDF document
$pdf->Output('watermarked.pdf', 'I');


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