9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

php-tcpdfHow do I install TCPDF using Yum on a PHP server?

  1. Install the EPEL repository on the server by running the command:
yum install epel-release
  1. Install the TCPDF package using the command:
yum install php-tcpdf
  1. Enable the TCPDF extension in the php.ini configuration file by adding the following line:
  1. Restart the PHP service on the server with the command:
systemctl restart php-fpm
  1. Verify that the TCPDF extension is installed and enabled by running the command:
php -m | grep tcpdf

Output: tcpdf

  1. To use TCPDF, include the library with the following code:
  1. Create a new instance of the TCPDF class and use it to generate PDFs:
$pdf = new TCPDF();
$pdf->Write(0, 'Hello world!');
$pdf->Output('example.pdf', 'D');

Code explanation


  1. yum install epel-release - This command installs the EPEL repository on the server.
  2. yum install php-tcpdf - This command installs the TCPDF package.
  3. extension=tcpdf.so - This line enables the TCPDF extension in the php.ini configuration file.
  4. systemctl restart php-fpm - This command restarts the PHP service on the server.
  5. php -m | grep tcpdf - This command verifies that the TCPDF extension is installed and enabled.
  6. require_once('/usr/share/php/tcpdf/tcpdf.php'); - This code includes the TCPDF library.
  7. $pdf = new TCPDF(); - This creates a new instance of the TCPDF class.

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