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phpmailerHow can I resolve the issue of PHPMailer not being able to access a file?

The issue of PHPMailer not being able to access a file can be resolved by setting the correct permissions on the file. To do this, you can use the chmod command in the terminal.

For example, to set the permissions on a file called test.txt to 644, you can use the following command:

$ chmod 644 test.txt

This will set the owner of the file to read and write, and the group and others to read only.

You can also use the chown command to set the owner of the file, if necessary. For example, to set the owner of test.txt to user1:

$ chown user1 test.txt

The following list explains the different permissions that can be set using the chmod command:

  • 7 - Read, write, and execute
  • 6 - Read and write
  • 5 - Read and execute
  • 4 - Read only
  • 3 - Write and execute
  • 2 - Write only
  • 1 - Execute only
  • 0 - No permission

For more information, see the PHPMailer Documentation.

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