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phpmailerHow do I set the from name when using PHPMailer?

The From name when using PHPMailer can be set using the setFrom method. This method takes two parameters, the address and the name.

Example code

$mail->setFrom('[email protected]', 'Example Name');

The setFrom method can also be used with an array containing the address and name.

Example code

$mail->setFrom(array('[email protected]' => 'Example Name'));

The From name can also be set using the FromName property.

Example code

$mail->FromName = 'Example Name';

The From name can also be set using the addReplyTo method. This method takes two parameters, the address and the name.

Example code

$mail->addReplyTo('[email protected]', 'Example Name');

The From name can also be set using the Sender property.

Example code

$mail->Sender = '[email protected]';

The From name can also be set using the addCustomHeader method. This method takes two parameters, the header name and the header value.

Example code

$mail->addCustomHeader('From', 'Example Name <[email protected]>');

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