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postgresqlHow can I increase the maximum number of connections allowed in PostgreSQL?

In order to increase the maximum number of connections allowed in PostgreSQL, there are several steps you can take.

  1. Set the max_connections parameter in the postgresql.conf configuration file. This parameter sets the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed. For example, to set the maximum number of connections to 100:
max_connections = 100
  1. You can also set the superuser_reserved_connections parameter in the postgresql.conf configuration file. This parameter sets the number of connections reserved for superusers. For example, to set the number of reserved connections to 10:
superuser_reserved_connections = 10
  1. You can also increase the max_prepared_transactions parameter in the postgresql.conf configuration file. This parameter sets the maximum number of prepared transactions that can be active at any given time. For example, to set the maximum number of prepared transactions to 20:
max_prepared_transactions = 20
  1. Finally, you can also increase the shared_buffers parameter in the postgresql.conf configuration file. This parameter sets the amount of memory dedicated to shared memory buffers. Increasing this parameter can help improve performance and allow more connections. For example, to set the shared memory buffer size to 8GB:
shared_buffers = 8GB

After making any changes to the postgresql.conf configuration file, you will need to restart the PostgreSQL server for the changes to take effect.

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