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postgresqlHow can I use PostgreSQL JSON functions?

PostgreSQL JSON functions can be used to manipulate and query JSON data.


SELECT row_to_json(t)
FROM (SELECT 'John' as name, 'Doe' as surname) t;

Output example


The code above uses the row_to_json function to create a JSON object from a row of data.

The json_array_length function can be used to find the length of a JSON array.


SELECT json_array_length('[1, 2, 3]');

Output example


The json_extract_path function can be used to extract a value from a JSON object.


SELECT json_extract_path('{"name":"John","surname":"Doe"}', 'name');

Output example


Other PostgreSQL JSON functions include json_object, json_array, json_build_object, json_build_array, json_object_keys, json_populate_record, json_populate_recordset, json_each, and json_array_elements.

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