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postgresqlHow do I use a PostgreSQL XML parser in an example?

PostgreSQL provides an XML parser for parsing XML documents.

To use it in an example, you can use the xmlelement function to construct an XML document from a set of values. The following code block shows an example of how to use it:

SELECT xmlelement(name "root",
                  xmlelement(name "child1", 'value1'),
                  xmlelement(name "child2", 'value2'))

The output of the above code is an XML document with two child elements, child1 and child2, with the values value1 and value2 respectively:


You can also use the xpath function to extract data from an XML document. For example, the following code block shows how to extract the value of the child1 element:

SELECT xpath('/root/child1/text()',
             xmlelement(name "root",
                  xmlelement(name "child1", 'value1'),
                  xmlelement(name "child2", 'value2')))

The output of the above code is value1:


For more information about PostgreSQL XML parser, please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation.

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