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postgresqlHow do I use PostgreSQL smallint data type?

The PostgreSQL smallint data type is a 2-byte integer that can hold values between -32768 and 32767. It is useful for storing small numbers such as counts, ages, or other numerical values that will not exceed the range of a smallint.


CREATE TABLE my_table (

This code creates a table called my_table with two columns, id and age. The id column is a serial data type which will auto-increment each time a new row is added to the table. The age column is a smallint data type and will store the age of the person associated with each row.

Code explanation

  1. CREATE TABLE - Creates a table in the database
  2. id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY - Creates a column called id and sets it to auto-increment when a new row is added
  3. age SMALLINT - Creates a column called age and sets it to the smallint data type

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