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python-aiohttpHow to get request parameters using Python Aiohttp?

Request parameters can be obtained using Python Aiohttp by using the request.query method. This method returns a MultiDictProxy object which contains all the query parameters.

Example code

from aiohttp import web

async def handler(request):
    params = request.query
    return web.Response(text="Query parameters: {}".format(params))

Output example

Query parameters: MultiDictProxy({'param1': 'value1', 'param2': 'value2'})

Code explanation

  • request.query: This method returns a MultiDictProxy object which contains all the query parameters.
  • MultiDictProxy: This is a dictionary-like object which contains all the query parameters.
  • params: This is a variable which stores the MultiDictProxy object.
  • web.Response: This is used to return the response to the client.

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