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python-aiohttpHow to use fire and forget in Python Aiohttp?

Fire and forget is a pattern used to send a request and forget about the response. It is useful when the response is not needed or when the response is expected to take a long time. In Python Aiohttp, this can be achieved by using the ClientSession.post() method.

Example code

import aiohttp

async def fire_and_forget(url):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        await session.post(url)


Output example


Code explanation

  1. import aiohttp: This imports the aiohttp library, which is used to make asynchronous HTTP requests.
  2. async def fire_and_forget(url):: This defines a function called fire_and_forget which takes a URL as an argument.
  3. async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:: This creates an asynchronous client session, which is used to make the HTTP request.
  4. await session.post(url): This sends an asynchronous HTTP POST request to the given URL and does not wait for a response.

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