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python-kerasHow do I use the model.fit function in Python Keras?

The model.fit function is a key function in Python Keras for training a model. It takes in a set of training data and trains the model on that data. The syntax for using model.fit is as follows:

model.fit(x=training_data, y=target_data, epochs=num_of_epochs, batch_size=batch_size)
  • x: This is the input data, which is a numpy array containing the features of the training data.
  • y: This is the target data, which is also a numpy array containing the labels of the training data.
  • epochs: This is the number of times the model will iterate over the training data.
  • batch_size: This is the number of samples that will be used in each iteration.

For example, if we have a training data set of 1000 samples and we want to train our model with 10 epochs and a batch size of 32, then we would use the following code:

model.fit(x=training_data, y=target_data, epochs=10, batch_size=32)

This will train the model on the training data for 10 epochs with a batch size of 32.

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