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python-mysqlHow can I avoid MySQL IntegrityError when using Python?

To avoid MySQL IntegrityError when using Python, it is important to properly handle exceptions and to create transactions when making changes to the database.

Example code

    # Execute the SQL command
    # Commit your changes in the database
except IntegrityError as e:
    # Rollback in case there is any error

The code above will try to execute the SQL command, and if it encounters an IntegrityError, it will rollback the changes.

Code explanation

  1. try: This will execute the SQL command.
  2. cursor.execute(sql): This will execute the SQL command.
  3. db.commit(): This will commit the changes to the database.
  4. except IntegrityError as e: This will handle the IntegrityError.
  5. db.rollback(): This will rollback the changes in case of an error.

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