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python-mysqlHow can I convert a MySQL database to a SQLite database using Python?

To convert a MySQL database to a SQLite database using Python, you can use a library called MySQL-to-SQLite. This library can be installed using pip:

pip install MySQL-to-SQLite

Once installed, you can use the library to convert a MySQL database to a SQLite database like this:

from mysql_to_sqlite import convert
convert('my_mysql_db.db', 'my_sqlite_db.db')

The above code will convert the MySQL database my_mysql_db.db to a SQLite database my_sqlite_db.db.

The convert function has several parameters:

  • mysql_db: The path to the MySQL database.
  • sqlite_db: The path to the SQLite database.
  • mysql_user: The MySQL user. (optional)
  • mysql_password: The MySQL password. (optional)
  • mysql_host: The MySQL host. (optional)
  • sqlite_pragmas: A dict of pragmas to apply to the SQLite database. (optional)

You can find more information about the convert function here.

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