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python-mysqlHow can I keep a MySQL connection alive in Python?

The following code block can be used to keep a MySQL connection alive in Python:

import mysql.connector

# Connect to the database
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

# Create a Cursor object to execute queries
my_cursor = mydb.cursor()

# Keep the connection alive by running a query every 5 minutes
while True:
    my_cursor.execute("SELECT 1")

The code above will keep the MySQL connection alive by running a query every 5 minutes. This is done by creating a mysql.connector.connect object, which is used to create a Cursor object. Then, a query is executed in an infinite loop, with a time.sleep() of 5 minutes (300 seconds) between each query.

The parts of this code are:

  1. import mysql.connector: This imports the mysql.connector module, which is used to connect to the MySQL database.
  2. mydb = mysql.connector.connect(): This creates a mysql.connector.connect object, which is used to connect to the MySQL database.
  3. my_cursor = mydb.cursor(): This creates a Cursor object, which is used to execute queries on the database.
  4. my_cursor.execute("SELECT 1"): This executes a query on the database.
  5. time.sleep(300): This pauses the code for 5 minutes (300 seconds).

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