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python-mysqlHow can I resolve the "no database selected" error when using Python and MySQL?

The "no database selected" error is an error that is raised when a user tries to execute a query in a MySQL database without first selecting a database. This error can be resolved by selecting a database before executing the query.

Example code

# Connect to the MySQL server
conn = mysql.connector.connect(

# Select the database
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("USE my_database")

# Execute the query
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM my_table")

The code above first connects to the MySQL server using the mysql.connector.connect() method. It then selects the database with the USE command, and finally executes the query.

Code explanation

  • mysql.connector.connect() - This is a method used to connect to the MySQL server.
  • cursor.execute("USE my_database") - This is the command used to select the database.
  • cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM my_table") - This is the command used to execute the query.

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