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python-mysqlHow do I update a MySQL database using Python?

To update a MySQL database using Python, you can use the MySQL Connector/Python library. This library provides an easy way to access and manipulate MySQL databases. Here is an example of how to update a record in a MySQL database using Python:

# Import the MySQL Connector/Python library
import mysql.connector

# Establish a connection to the MySQL database
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

# Create a cursor object
mycursor = mydb.cursor()

# Construct an UPDATE statement
sql = "UPDATE customers SET address = 'Canyon 123' WHERE address = 'Valley 345'"

# Execute the statement

# Commit the changes to the database

# Print number of rows updated
print(mycursor.rowcount, "record(s) updated")

Output example

1 record(s) updated

The code above consists of the following parts:

  1. Import the MySQL Connector/Python library
  2. Establish a connection to the MySQL database
  3. Create a cursor object
  4. Construct an UPDATE statement
  5. Execute the statement
  6. Commit the changes to the database
  7. Print number of rows updated

For more information, refer to the MySQL Connector/Python Documentation.

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