9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

python-pandasHow to add row to data frame

import pandas as pd

data = pd.DataFrame({
  'Phone': ['ip5', 'ip6', 'ip8', 'sms', 'xi'],
  'Phone Price': [204, 304, 404, 405, 305]

data = data.append({'Phone': 'Nokia', 'Phone Price': 50}, ignore_index = True)ctrl + c
import pandas as pd

load Pandas module


creates Pandas DataFrame object


appends given row to dataframe

{'Phone': 'Nokia', 'Phone Price': 50}

sample dict to append to dataframe

ignore_index = True

new row index will be created automatically

Usage example

import pandas as pd

data = pd.DataFrame({
  'Phone': ['ip5', 'ip6', 'ip8', 'sms', 'xi'],
  'Phone Price': [204, 304, 404, 405, 305]

data = data.append({'Phone': 'Nokia', 'Phone Price': 50}, ignore_index = True)

   Phone  Phone Price
0    ip5          204
1    ip6          304
2    ip8          404
3    sms          405
4     xi          305
5  Nokia           50