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python-regexHow to match a text from file with Python regex?

Matching a text from a file with Python regex is a powerful way to search for patterns in a text. It can be used to find specific words, phrases, or even more complex patterns.

import re

# Open the file
f = open('text.txt', 'r')

# Read the file
text = f.read()

# Find all matches of the pattern
matches = re.findall(r'pattern', text)

# Print the matches
['pattern', 'pattern', 'pattern']

The code above uses the re module to open a file, read it, and find all matches of a given pattern. The findall() function takes a regular expression as an argument and returns a list of all matches.

  • import re: imports the re module which provides functions for working with regular expressions
  • f = open('text.txt', 'r'): opens the file text.txt in read mode
  • text = f.read(): reads the contents of the file and stores it in the text variable
  • matches = re.findall(r'pattern', text): finds all matches of the pattern pattern in the text variable and stores them in the matches variable
  • print(matches): prints the matches

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