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python-regexHow to replace all using Python regex?

Regex (or Regular Expressions) is a powerful tool for string manipulation in Python. It can be used to replace all occurrences of a given pattern in a string with a different string.

Example code

import re

text = "This is a test string"

# Replace all occurrences of 'test' with 'example'
new_text = re.sub('test', 'example', text)


Output example

This is a example string

Code explanation

  • import re: imports the Python regex module
  • re.sub('test', 'example', text): uses the sub() function from the regex module to replace all occurrences of 'test' with 'example' in the string text
  • print(new_text): prints the new string with all occurrences of 'test' replaced with 'example'

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