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python-scikit-learnHow to create bag of words from text

Bag of words is created based on a chosen vectorizing approach, like CountVectorizer in our case:

from sklearn import feature_extraction

docs = [
  'Programming languahe is python.',
  'Programming in python and javascript is good.',
  'Programming also in lua as well as javaascripipt is ok.',
  'Programming in no language is bad',

cv = feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer()
bag_of_words = cv.fit_transform(docs)ctrl + c
from sklearn import

import module from scikit-learn

docs = [

sample set of text docs to vectorize


creates count vectorizer which creates vectors based on words counts


train and process vectorizer to get vectors


will contain our "bag of words" list

Usage example

from sklearn import feature_extraction

docs = [
  'Programming languahe is python.',
  'Programming in python and javascript is good.',
  'Programming also in lua as well as javaascripipt is ok.',
  'Programming in no language is bad',

cv = feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer()
bag_of_words = cv.fit_transform(docs)

{'programming': 14, 'languahe': 10, 'is': 6, 'python': 15, 'in': 5, 'and': 1, 'javascript': 8, 'good': 4, 'also': 0, 'lua': 11, 'as': 2, 'well': 16, 'javaascripipt': 7, 'ok': 13, 'no': 12, 'language': 9, 'bad': 3}