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reactjsHow can I convert a Base64 string to a Blob object using ReactJS?

Using ReactJS, you can convert a Base64 string to a Blob object. This can be done by using the btoa() and atob() functions.

Example code

const base64String = 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=';
const blob = new Blob([atob(base64String)], { type: 'text/plain' });

The btoa() function encodes a string in base-64, while the atob() function decodes a base-64 encoded string. The atob() function is used to decode the Base64 string, and then the Blob() constructor is used to create a new Blob object. The type parameter is used to specify the type of data stored in the Blob.

Code explanation

  1. const base64String = 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ='; - This line creates a constant base64String that stores the Base64 string that needs to be converted.
  2. const blob = new Blob([atob(base64String)], { type: 'text/plain' }); - This line creates a new Blob object by using the Blob() constructor. The atob() function is used to decode the base64String and the type parameter is used to specify the type of data stored in the Blob.

Helpful links

  1. MDN Docs - btoa()
  2. MDN Docs - atob()
  3. MDN Docs - Blob()

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