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reactjsHow can I set up basic authentication in ReactJS?

Setting up basic authentication in ReactJS is relatively easy. To do so, you must first install the react-auth-wrapper package:

npm install react-auth-wrapper

Once installed, you can wrap your components with the withAuth HOC, which provides the authentication logic and props to the wrapped component.

import { withAuth } from 'react-auth-wrapper';

const MyComponent = props => <div>My Component</div>

export default withAuth(MyComponent);

The withAuth HOC takes an options object as an optional second argument, which can be used to customize the authentication logic. This options object can include the following properties:

  • authenticator: A function that takes the current props and returns a Promise that resolves with an authentication object or rejects with an error.
  • wrapperDisplayName: A string that will be used as the display name for the wrapper component.
  • onAuthFail: A function that will be called if authentication fails.

You can also add custom props to the wrapped component by providing a mapProps function to the options object. This function takes the current props and returns a new props object.

import { withAuth } from 'react-auth-wrapper';

const MyComponent = props => <div>My Component</div>

const mapProps = props => ({
  customProp: 'value'

export default withAuth(MyComponent, { mapProps });

For more information, please see the react-auth-wrapper documentation.

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