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reactjsHow do I add a link to my ReactJS application?

Adding a link to a ReactJS application is a relatively simple process. The following example code block shows how to create a link component with a URL:

import React from 'react';

const Link = ({url}) => (
  <a href={url}>Link</a>

export default Link;

This code creates a Link component that can be used to render a link to a given URL. To use this component, it must be imported into the component that needs to render the link. For example:

import React from 'react';
import Link from './Link';

const MyComponent = () => (
    <Link url="https://www.example.com" />

export default MyComponent;

This code will render a link to https://www.example.com on the page.

Code explanation

  • import React from 'react'; imports the React library into the component.
  • const Link = ({url}) => ( creates a new React component called Link that takes a url property.
  • <a href={url}>Link</a> renders an anchor element with the given url as its href attribute.
  • export default Link; exports the Link component so it can be imported elsewhere.
  • import Link from './Link'; imports the Link component into the current component.
  • <Link url="https://www.example.com" /> renders the Link component with the given URL.

For more information on creating links in ReactJS, see the React documentation.

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