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reactjsHow do I add a link using ReactJS?

To add a link using ReactJS, you can use the <a> element to wrap the link and the link text.

Example code

<a href="https://www.example.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Link Text</a>

This will render a link to the specified URL with the text given in the Link Text part. The target attribute is set to _blank so that the link will open in a new tab when clicked. The rel attribute is set to noopener noreferrer to ensure that no referrer information is sent when the link is clicked.

The code is composed of the following parts:

  1. <a> - the anchor element that wraps the link
  2. href - the attribute that contains the URL to link to
  3. target - the attribute that specifies where the link should open
  4. rel - the attribute that specifies that no referrer information should be sent
  5. Link Text - the text that will be displayed as the link

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