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reactjsHow do I use ReactJS with Nima?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that can be used to create user interfaces. Nima is a JavaScript framework for creating mobile and web applications. To use ReactJS with Nima, you must first install the Nima CLI. This is done by running the following command:

npm install -g nima-cli

Once the CLI is installed, you can create a new ReactJS project by running the following command:

nima create my-react-project

This will create a new project folder with all the necessary files and folders for a ReactJS project. You can then start the development server by running the following command:

npm start

This will start the development server and open a browser window with the ReactJS application. You can then start building your ReactJS application.

To use ReactJS components in your Nima project, you must first install the nima-react package. This can be done by running the following command:

npm install nima-react

Once the package is installed, you can import React components into your Nima project by using the import statement. For example:

import React from 'nima-react';

const MyComponent = () => <div>My React Component</div>;

This will import the React package from the nima-react package and create a new React component.

ReactJS can be used with Nima to create powerful applications. For more information, please refer to the following links:

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