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reactjsHow do I use the ReactJS framework to build a web application?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It is used for creating single page applications, and is often used in combination with other libraries such as Redux. To use ReactJS to build a web application, you will need to install the React library and create a React component.

A React component is a JavaScript class or function that optionally accepts inputs, called “props”, and returns a React element that describes how a section of the UI (User Interface) should appear. Here is an example of a basic React component:

import React from 'react';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

The output of this code will be a heading that reads "Hello, world!".

The code consists of the following parts:

  • import React from 'react'; imports the React library.
  • class App extends React.Component creates a class called App that extends the React.Component class.
  • render() is a method of the App class that returns a React element.
  • <h1>Hello, world!</h1> is the React element that is returned when the render() method is called.

For more information on ReactJS, please see the following links:

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