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rustDynamic format string in Rust

Format strings in Rust are used to create formatted strings from a template string and a set of arguments. The format string can be a static string or a dynamic string.

A dynamic format string is a string that is created at runtime, rather than being hard-coded into the program. This allows for more flexibility in the formatting of the output string.

The following ## Code example shows how to create a dynamic format string in Rust:

let template_string = "The number is {}";
let number = 5;
let dynamic_string = format!(template_string, number);
println!("{}", dynamic_string);


The number is 5


  1. The let template_string = "The number is {}"; line creates a template string with a placeholder for the number.
  2. The let number = 5; line creates a variable to store the number.
  3. The let dynamic_string = format!(template_string, number); line uses the format! macro to create a dynamic string from the template string and the number.
  4. The println!("{}", dynamic_string); line prints the dynamic string to the console.

Helpful links:

  1. https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.format.html
  2. https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/macros/format.html

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