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rustError with custom struct in Rust

The most common error when working with custom structs in Rust is the "cannot move out of borrowed content" error. This error occurs when a struct is moved out of a borrowed reference, which is not allowed in Rust.

Below is an example of code that will produce this error:

struct MyStruct {
    value: i32,

fn main() {
    let my_struct = MyStruct { value: 5 };
    let borrowed_struct = &my_struct;
    let moved_struct = my_struct;

    println!("{}", borrowed_struct.value);


error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
 --> src/main.rs:9:25
9 |     let moved_struct = my_struct;
  |                         ^^^^^^^^
  |                         |
  |                         cannot move out of borrowed content
  |                         help: consider borrowing here: `&my_struct`


  • struct MyStruct { value: i32, }: This is a custom struct with a single field, value, of type i32.
  • let my_struct = MyStruct { value: 5 };: This creates an instance of MyStruct with the value 5.
  • let borrowed_struct = &my_struct;: This creates a borrowed reference to my_struct.
  • let moved_struct = my_struct;: This attempts to move my_struct into moved_struct, which is not allowed because my_struct is already borrowed.

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