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rustHow to replace a capture group using Rust regex?

Replacing a capture group using Rust regex is a simple process. The replace_all method of the Regex type can be used to replace a capture group with a given string.

Example code

let re = Regex::new(r"(\d+)").unwrap();
let result = re.replace_all("My number is 123", "456");

Output example

My number is 456

The code above creates a new Regex object with the pattern (\d+) which captures any sequence of digits. The replace_all method is then used to replace the captured group with the string 456.

Code explanation

  1. let re = Regex::new(r"(\d+)").unwrap(); - creates a new Regex object with the pattern (\d+) which captures any sequence of digits.
  2. let result = re.replace_all("My number is 123", "456"); - uses the replace_all method to replace the captured group with the string 456.

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