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rustHow can I convert a string to a number in Rust?

You can convert a string to a number in Rust using the parse method. This method is available on all types that implement the FromStr trait. For example, to convert a string to an integer:

let s = "42";
let n: i32 = s.parse().unwrap();
println!("{}", n);

Output example


The code above consists of the following parts:

  1. let s = "42"; - This declares a variable s of type &str and assigns it the value "42".
  2. let n: i32 = s.parse().unwrap(); - This declares a variable n of type i32 and assigns it the result of parsing the string s into an integer. The unwrap method is used to handle any errors that may occur during the parsing process.
  3. println!("{}", n); - This prints the value of n to the console.

For more information, see the Rust documentation.

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