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rustHow do you create a string with a variable in Rust?

Creating a string with a variable in Rust is a simple process. To do this, you must first declare a variable and assign it a value. Then, you can use the format! macro to create a string with the variable.

let my_variable = "Hello World";
let my_string = format!("This is my variable: {}", my_variable);
println!("{}", my_string);

Output example

This is my variable: Hello World

The code above consists of three parts:

  1. let my_variable = "Hello World"; - This declares a variable called my_variable and assigns it the value "Hello World".
  2. let my_string = format!("This is my variable: {}", my_variable); - This uses the format! macro to create a string with the value of my_variable inserted into it. The {} is a placeholder for the variable.
  3. println!("{}", my_string); - This prints the string to the console.

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