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rustHow to compare two Rust HashMaps?

Comparing two Rust HashMaps can be done using the eq method. This method takes two HashMaps as arguments and returns true if they contain the same key-value pairs.

use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut map1 = HashMap::new();
map1.insert("a", 1);
map1.insert("b", 2);

let mut map2 = HashMap::new();
map2.insert("a", 1);
map2.insert("b", 2);


Output example

assertion successful

Code explanation

  1. use std::collections::HashMap: This imports the HashMap type from the std::collections module.

  2. let mut map1 = HashMap::new(): This creates a new empty HashMap called map1.

  3. map1.insert("a", 1): This inserts a key-value pair into map1, with the key being "a" and the value being 1.

  4. map2.insert("a", 1): This inserts a key-value pair into map2, with the key being "a" and the value being 1.

  5. assert!(map1.eq(&map2)): This uses the eq method to compare map1 and map2. If they contain the same key-value pairs, it will return true.

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