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rustHow to return error from main in Rust

The main function in Rust is the entry point of a program and it is required to return a value of type std::process::ExitCode. To return an error from main, you can use the std::process::exit function to return a non-zero value.

Code example:

fn main() -> std::process::ExitCode {
    // Do something


The program will exit with a non-zero exit code.

Explanation of code parts:

  1. fn main() -> std::process::ExitCode: This declares the main function and specifies that it returns a value of type std::process::ExitCode.
  2. std::process::exit(1): This calls the std::process::exit function with a parameter of 1, which will cause the program to exit with a non-zero exit code.

Helpful links:

  1. std::process::ExitCode
  2. std::process::exit

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