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rustUsing alloc_error_handler in Rust

The alloc_error_handler function in Rust is used to set a custom error handler for memory allocation errors. This allows you to customize the behavior of the program when an allocation error occurs.

Here is an example of how to use alloc_error_handler:

use std::alloc::{alloc_error_handler, Layout};

fn my_error_handler(_: Layout) -> ! {
    panic!("allocation error!");

fn main() {
    // ...

This code will set the custom error handler my_error_handler to be called when an allocation error occurs. The my_error_handler function will panic with the message "allocation error!".

Explanation of code parts:

  1. use std::alloc::{alloc_error_handler, Layout};: This imports the alloc_error_handler and Layout functions from the std::alloc module.

  2. fn my_error_handler(_: Layout) -> ! { panic!("allocation error!"); }: This defines a custom error handler function that takes a Layout argument and returns ! (never returns). The function will panic with the message "allocation error!" when called.

  3. alloc_error_handler(my_error_handler);: This sets the custom error handler my_error_handler to be called when an allocation error occurs.

Helpful links:

  1. Rust alloc_error_handler documentation
  2. Rust alloc module documentation

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