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sphinx-searchHow to use SphinxSearch with Node.js?

SphinxSearch is a full-text search engine written in C++. It can be used with Node.js through the node-sphinxclient module.

To use SphinxSearch with Node.js, first install the node-sphinxclient module:

npm install sphinxclient

Then, create a new instance of the SphinxClient class:

var sphinx = new SphinxClient();

Finally, use the query() method to execute a search query:

sphinx.query('search query', function(err, result) {
  if (err) throw err;

The query() method takes two parameters: a search query string and a callback function. The callback function will be called with two parameters: an error object and a result object. The result object contains the search results.

Code explanation

  1. npm install sphinxclient - Installs the node-sphinxclient module.
  2. var sphinx = new SphinxClient(); - Creates a new instance of the SphinxClient class.
  3. sphinx.query('search query', function(err, result) { ... }); - Executes a search query and calls the callback function with two parameters: an error object and a result object.

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