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sphinxsearchHow do I create a table using SphinxSearch?

Creating a table using SphinxSearch is a straightforward process. Here is an example of a table creation statement using SphinxSearch:

CREATE TABLE tbl_name (
    col_name1 INT NOT NULL,
    col_name2 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    col_name3 DATETIME NOT NULL
) ENGINE=SPHINX CONNECTION='sphinx://localhost:9306/test';

This statement will create a table named tbl_name with 3 columns: col_name1 of type INT, col_name2 of type VARCHAR(255) and col_name3 of type DATETIME. The ENGINE is set to SPHINX and the CONNECTION is set to sphinx://localhost:9306/test.

The parts of the statement are as follows:

  1. CREATE TABLE: This is the SQL command to create a new table.
  2. tbl_name: This is the name of the table to be created.
  3. col_name1 INT NOT NULL: This is the first column of the table, named col_name1, of type INT and with the NOT NULL constraint.
  4. col_name2 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL: This is the second column of the table, named col_name2, of type VARCHAR(255) and with the NOT NULL constraint.
  5. col_name3 DATETIME NOT NULL: This is the third column of the table, named col_name3, of type DATETIME and with the NOT NULL constraint.
  6. ENGINE=SPHINX: This sets the engine to SPHINX for the table.
  7. CONNECTION='sphinx://localhost:9306/test': This sets the connection string to sphinx://localhost:9306/test for the table.

For more information, please refer to the SphinxSearch documentation.

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