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sphinxsearchHow do Sphinx Search and Lucene compare in terms of performance and features?

Sphinx Search and Lucene are both open source search engines, but they have different performance and features.

Sphinx Search is a full-text search engine that is focused on speed and scalability. It has a number of features such as distributed indexing, real-time indexing, and advanced query syntax. It also has a number of performance features such as caching, query optimization, and query logging.

Lucene is a text search engine library written in Java. It is designed to be fast and efficient, and it offers a number of features such as support for multiple languages, fuzzy search, and advanced query syntax. It also offers a number of performance features such as indexing and query optimization.

In terms of performance, both Sphinx Search and Lucene offer similar performance features, but Sphinx Search is generally faster than Lucene. In terms of features, Lucene offers more features than Sphinx Search, such as support for multiple languages and fuzzy search.

Example code

String queryString = "example query";

// Sphinx Search
SphinxClient sphinxClient = new SphinxClient();

// Lucene
Query query = new QueryParser("example", new StandardAnalyzer()).parse(queryString);
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
TopDocs results = searcher.search(query, 10);


  • String queryString = "example query";: This line creates a string variable called queryString and assigns it the value of "example query".
  • SphinxClient sphinxClient = new SphinxClient();: This line creates a SphinxClient object called sphinxClient.
  • sphinxClient.setQuery(queryString);: This line sets the query string for the SphinxClient object.
  • sphinxClient.runQuery();: This line runs the query on the SphinxClient object.
  • Query query = new QueryParser("example", new StandardAnalyzer()).parse(queryString);: This line creates a Query object called query and sets it to the parsed query string using the QueryParser and StandardAnalyzer classes.
  • IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);: This line creates an IndexSearcher object called searcher and sets it to the indexReader.
  • TopDocs results = searcher.search(query, 10);: This line searches the index using the query object and returns the top 10 results in a TopDocs object called results.

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