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tesseract-ocrHow do I use tesseract OCR on Windows 64-bit?

To use tesseract OCR on Windows 64-bit, you need to install the tesseract OCR engine and the tesseract language data files.

  1. Download and install the tesseract OCR engine from this link.
  2. Download and install the language data files from this link.
  3. Set the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable to the directory where the language data files are installed.

Once the installation is complete, you can use the tesseract command line tool to extract text from an image. For example, to extract text from an image called image.png, you can use the following command:

tesseract image.png output

This will create a text file called output.txt in the same directory with the extracted text.

You can also use the tesseract API to integrate tesseract OCR into your own applications. For example, the following code snippet shows how to use the tesseract API to extract text from an image file:

import tesseract

api = tesseract.TessBaseAPI()

mImgFile = "image.png"
image = tesseract.pixRead(mImgFile)
text = api.GetUTF8Text()

The output of the above code would be the text extracted from the image file.

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