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vue.jsHow can I build a single page application using Vue.js?

To build a single page application using Vue.js, you will need to use the Vue CLI. The Vue CLI is a command line tool that helps you quickly create and manage Vue projects.

To get started, install the Vue CLI globally on your machine:

npm install -g @vue/cli

Once installed, you can create a new project using the vue create command. This will prompt you to choose a preset or manually select features.

vue create my-app

You can now start the development server by running npm run serve in the project directory. This will serve your application at localhost:8080 in the browser.

The following steps will help you build a single page application with Vue.js:

  1. Install the Vue CLI
  2. Create a new project
  3. Write your Vue components
  4. Configure the router
  5. Register your components
  6. Create the HTML page
  7. Serve the application

For more information, please refer to the Vue.js Documentation and the Vue CLI Documentation.

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