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vue.jsHow can I use Vue.js to create a XSS payload?

XSS payloads can be created using Vue.js by binding user-controlled data to the DOM. This can be done using v-html directive, which binds user data to the DOM. The following example code block shows how to do this:

<div id="app">
  <div v-html="userInput"></div>

  new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {
      userInput: '<script>alert("XSS")</script>'

This code will create an XSS payload and display an alert window with the text "XSS".

The code can be broken down into the following parts:

  1. <div id="app">: A div element with the id of "app". This is used to identify the Vue instance.
  2. <div v-html="userInput"></div>: A div element with the v-html directive. This binds the data from the userInput variable to the DOM.
  3. new Vue({: This creates a new Vue instance.
  4. el: '#app',: This is the element that the Vue instance will be attached to. In this case it is the div element with the id of "app".
  5. data: {: This is the data that will be used in the Vue instance.
  6. userInput: '<script>alert("XSS")</script>': This is the user-controlled data that is bound to the DOM using the v-html directive.

For more information on creating XSS payloads with Vue.js, please see the following resources:

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