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vue.jsHow can I use Vue.js to create an Excel spreadsheet?

Vue.js can be used to create an Excel spreadsheet with the help of the Vue-Handsontable library. The library provides a Vue wrapper for the popular Handsontable library, which is a JavaScript library for creating Excel-like data grids.

To use Vue-Handsontable, you must first install the library using npm:

npm install vue-handsontable

Then, you can import the library and create an instance of the Vue-Handsontable component in your Vue app:

import { HotTable } from 'vue-handsontable';

export default {
  components: {

Finally, you can use the <hot-table> component in your template to create a spreadsheet:

<hot-table :settings="{ data: data }"></hot-table>

The above code will create an Excel spreadsheet with the data stored in the data variable.

For more details on using Vue-Handsontable, please see the documentation.

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